157th Church Anniversary- August 18th, 2024

On Sunday, August 18th, we will celebrate our 157th Church Anniversary! To honor this milestone, we are creating a special commemorative booklet to honor our church’s history and invite you to be a part of it.

We welcome your participation through advertisements endorsing your local business, congratulatory messages, memories from our past, family photos/memorials, and more. These will be printed in the Souvenir Program Booklet.

Advertisement rates are as follows:

  • Full Page: $100

  • Half Page: $50

  • Quarter Page: $25

  • Business Card: $10

  • Patron: $5

Please submit your print-ready advertisement or email in PDF, jpg, docx, or png format to clerk@seventhstreetchristian.com by August 4, 2024. You may also mail Ads along with payments made payable to Seventh Street Christian Church, P.O. Box 189, Paris, KY 40362. Please ensure it is received no later than August 4th, 2024.

Thank you for your support and contributions in making this anniversary truly memorable. We look forward to celebrating with you!